Whatever we may think of modern Israel and the struggles she
has with the surrounding Arab nations, believers should at least comprehend the
importance of the land from a scriptural perspective. In order to more fully
understand the Bible, it is helpful for Christians to become familiar with the
land of the Bible. As we study the form of the land as well as the function of
God’s chosen topography we are enabled to contextually unpack God’s revelation
to us. A recurring theme throughout Scripture is the election of God—a chosen
land, a chosen people, and a covenantal relationship that he provides with
those he has chosen from the foundation of the earth (Eph. 1:4).
the Lord appeared to Abraham and said, “To your descendants I will give this
land” (Gen. 12:7 NASB). When God made this promise to Abraham, he revealed
to him a specific territory. Although God is the legal owner of all the earth,
he chose a relatively tiny portion of land in the Middle East to bequeath to an
undeserving, but a unique people. Of course, there is no one that is
deserving of God’s beneficence, for all of us are sinners (Rom. 3:10-12). Yet,
just as God chose a certain man, Abraham, to be the progenitor of a special
people, he also chose a certain piece of ground to be the staging area of his
revelation to mankind through the ages.
Why did God pick this narrow
portion of land, once called Canaan, now Israel, as an inheritance to Abraham’s
descendants? First, this stretch of ground is important for its geocentric
location. In the ancient world, it was the bridge between two major
civilizations and, as such, it became the connection between the nations and
the scene for the most important events of history. The
people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land
the light will shine on them (Isa. 9:2). Messiah would emerge from this
land; but not only would the Hebrew people be impacted through His ministry,
but also the Gentiles. From this stage God would broadcast his word, promising
a Liberator for those who came to understand the nature of their captivity and
the need for a Redeemer.
People from every nation, from
various ethnicities and from all walks of life were confronted with the gospel
message. History has shown that this small piece of land from the time of
Abraham to the present era has always been the epicenter of religious turmoil
and upheaval. Even today three of the major religions–Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam–vie for the land. The struggle, although often times bloody, causes
the world to refocus on the centricity of this land and the history of its
A second reason why God evidently chose this
land is due to its topographical uniqueness. The contour of this area not only
made it desirable for the various trade routes traversing through it but also
very difficult to defend. As a gateway to three continents—Africa, Asia, and
Europe—it became the center point to controlling the ancient world. From each
of the continents came conquering hordes: Egyptians and Ethiopians from Africa,
Babylonians and Assyrians from Asia, and Greeks and Romans from Europe. Against
these conquerors, the people living in the land of Canaan were virtually
helpless. Because of the land’s physical characteristics and central location,
Canaan was destined to be dominated rather than to rule. The vulnerability of the Israelites
to foreign domination resulted in continued dependence on Jehovah and thus
deepened their faith and left an indelible lesson for all mankind. As an
indefensible nation, Israel’s only hope against certain annihilation and
potential extinction was reliance on God, for, in reality, he is a peoples’ only refuge in time of trouble (Ps.
The land still seems indefensible, for militant Arabs have vowed to annihilate Israel and push her into the Mediterranean Sea. It seems unlikely that Israel will accept a partitioned land and agree to a Palestinian state, for with the recent discovery of intricate tunnels into her land, Israel cannot afford a long cease-fire or a separate nation of Arabs that could rebuild tunnels to eventually strike at the heartland of Israel.
A third reason for God’s selection
of this land is its meteorological variants. The climate was a powerful
incentive to the development of faith in the unseen God. With no great river
like the Nile or the Euphrates to bring an unfailing supply of water, the land
had to rely on the water from heaven to replenish it and to provide this
essential for life. If the rains failed to fill the cisterns during the rainy
season and enrich the springs and the rivers, then drought was inevitable.
Other calamities, which frequently occurred, were earthquakes, locust invasions,
and pestilence. In a land like ancient Canaan, it was natural for men to look
to God for security and sustenance. Pagans, however, worshipped nature and
created deities that personified a particular aspect of their environment, such
as rivers, trees, and springs. The Israelites, however, through God’s
initiative, power, and love came to depend upon the true God of weather and
climate change. Although not often faithful, their reliance on Elohim always
deepened their devotion as they learned they could not depend upon the land
alone for their provision. When they understood the lessons of the Lord the
proclamation of Amos was the voice that came behind them:
furthermore, I withheld the rain from you while there were still three months
until harvest. Then I would send rain on one city and on another city I would
not send rain;…I smote with scorching wind and mildew; and the caterpillar was
devouring your many gardens and vineyards, fig trees and olive trees…I sent a
plague among you after the manner of Egypt…Yet you have not returned to me,’
declares the Lord. Amos 4:7-10
To ancient Israelites the climate
was seen as God’s instrument for advantage and for calamity. Understanding this
principle helped to solidify their faith in a sovereign God. A land like
Israel, therefore, served as the environmental classroom to nurture the chosen
race into a deeper sense of Jehovah’s presence—a presence that was personal and
A fourth reason God chose this “Land of the
Covenant” was its geopolitical location. Unlike our own, ancient civilizations
had no difficulty with the integration of religion and politics. In fact
history shows us that the two were closely intertwined. The mix of religion and politics provided a context for the Israelites
to easily accept a theocratic state with God as the ultimate King. On many
occasions and with many of Israel’s leaders, political decisions were decided
based upon God’s Word and direction. Although politics still play a major role in the affairs of Israel and its surrounding Arab nations, God has, for the most part, been left out of the decision making. Although not consulted, God is still sovereign and will accomplish his will for the Middle East. The land of Israel is still the center of the world, for how goes the Middle East will determine what happens in the rest of the world. Although world politicians demand peace, they will not find it without the intervention of the peace of God--who is the Messiah, the Christ of Scripture.
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